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Indlæg: 29 mar 2019 12:48 
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Tilmeldt: 05 okt 2016 10:24
Indlæg: 641
De er åbenbart i slutfasen af udviklingen af et stof som er er deriviativ af Benzodiazapiner og som rammer GABA a/b? ved jeg ikke, men åbenbart ikke medfører abstinenser som Benzoer eller skadevirkninger som Alkohol.

Interessant, og skal man ud og køre tager man bare en antidote og sætter sig direkte ind i bilen.

Sikke en fremtid af fornuft og trivsel vi måske går i møde hvis dette faktisk bliver en ting. ... 13466.html

There might just be a future where it will be possible to drink wine, feel drunk, but not wake up parched, headachy and regretful the morning after.

That is the hope of the team of scientists and researchers behind Alcarelle, who are set on developing an alternative synthetic alcohol (or ‘alcosynth’) drink technology.

But what is it? Here’s the lowdown, courtesy of David Orren, Alcarelle’s managing director…

“We’ve been working on a series of compounds that are designed specifically to produce and mimic some of the good things about alcohol, and not the bad.

“Alcarelle is an ingredient that would be manufactured and then sold to drinks companies, licensed to ingredients companies, and then distributed to the global drinks industry. Brands would then develop new products, and they would use this as an ingredient in ‘free-from ethanol’ adult drinks, mixing it with any formulations that made sense for their particular consumer.”

What problems are you hoping to help combat?

“We know that alcohol kills more than 3 million people a year [according to the World Health Organisation]. The Lancet report from the British Medical Association has confirmed that alcohol is a leading killer within different age groups; it’s the leading driver for disease in men in Britain at the moment, and that’s largely because of acetaldehyde. We know that alcohol – ethanol – can grow into acetaldehyde in the body, which then circulates. It’s a toxic chemical, a cancerous chemical – a grade 1 carcinogenic – that causes the brain and liver to shrink, and causes premature ageing.

“Alcohol also has a high calorie content as a product. For certain groups of women, it represents 50% of the calories they ingest; it’s the leading controllable cause of breast cancer; there are seven known cancers alcohol creates, and it’s also responsible for more than 200 known diseases.

“Alcohol is a very serious problem, it also causes obesity and a lot of distress, addiction and so on, so our goal is to make something that doesn’t lead to acetaldehyde.”

When could it be available to the general public?

“Doctor David Notts has been working on this for about 15 years, and Alcarelle was formed three years ago. It’s a long-run because there’s a lot of science involved, there’s a lot of safety testing and regulatory frameworks we have to be compliant to, so we expect [it will be available and have gotten through the safety processes] five years from now.”

“What we need to now demonstrate is that the compounds are also safe, and that involves a series of trials and testing.

“We want to work with major polling companies to understand what consumers really want, we also need to talk to ingredients and drinks companies about how they would want to engage.”

So say hello to your new hangover free life – it’ll just kick in five years from now. ... he-dangers

David Nutt … ‘The safe limit of alcohol would be one glass of wine a year.’ Photograph: Alicia Canter/The Guardian
‘This is what my brain looks like,” says David Nutt, showing me an intense abstract painting by a friend of his that is sitting on the windowsill in his office. Nutt’s base at Hammersmith hospital has a cosy, lived-in feel – a stark contrast to the gleaming white laboratory he oversees as director of the neuropsychopharmacology unit at Imperial College London. Lab coats hang on a hook by the door, an ancient kettle sits in the corner and next to the painting is an unruly collection of objects that offer clues to his research interests: brain-shaped awards, an atomic model of Nutt’s invention for detecting inflammation in the brain of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s patients, a poster for the 1967 film LSD Flesh of Devil and two carved wooden mushrooms – the final items hinting at his role at Imperial’s psychedelic research group.

All that is missing is something to do with the demon drink, to reflect Nutt’s ambitious plan to bring a safe synthetic alcohol substitute called Alcarelle to the masses. Nutt has long been developing a holy grail of molecules – also referred to as “alcosynth” – that will provide the relaxing and socially lubricating qualities of alcohol, but without the hangovers, health issues and the risk of getting paralytic. It sounds too good to be true, and when I discuss the notion with two alcohol industry experts, they independently draw parallels with plans to colonise Mars.

Yet Alcarelle finding its way into bars and shops is starting to look like a possibility. Seed funding was raised in November 2018, allowing Nutt and his business partner, David Orren, to attempt to raise £20m from investors to bring Alcarelle to market. “The industry knows alcohol is a toxic substance,” says Nutt. “If it were discovered today, it would be illegal as a foodstuff. The safe limit of alcohol, if you apply food standards criteria, would be one glass of wine a year.”

As a psychiatrist, he says, “most of my professional life I’ve been treating people for whom alcohol is a problem, and a lot of my professional research relates to that”. A decade ago, Nutt was sacked from his position as a government drugs adviser after questioning the skewed moral standards by which we judge drug and alcohol use (he memorably said that horse riding was more dangerous than taking ecstasy). Shortly after this, he presented data in the Lancet showing that booze is more harmful to society than heroin or crack. Yet Nutt is no prohibitionist. He enjoys a “very small” single malt before bed, and even co-owns a bar, the irony of which causes him to erupt into one of his frequent and endearing guffaws. “My daughter and I own a wine bar in Ealing,” he says, after he has recovered his composure. “I’m not against alcohol. I like it, but it would be nice to have an alternative.” One day, he hopes to add Alcarelle to the menu at his bar.

Nutt with his business partner David Orren … trying to bring Alcarelle to market.
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Nutt with his business partner David Orren … trying to bring Alcarelle to market. Photograph: Alicia Canter/The Guardian
The long road to Alcarelle began in 1983 when Nutt was a PhD student and discovered an alcohol antidote. Yes, a drug that actually reverses drunkenness. “I was studying the effects of alcohol on the Gaba system,” he says. Put very simply, alcohol’s primary brain effect is stimulating the Gaba receptor. When they are stimulated Gaba receptors calm the brain, by firing off fewer neurons. His study was, says Nutt, the first proof of this. Nutt gave rats alcohol, administered a chemical that blocks Gaba receptors and the rats sobered up.

The antidote was too dangerous to be of any clinical use because if you accidentally took it when sober, it would cause seizures (like severe alcohol withdrawal does). Besides, as he says, “what’s the point of stopping someone being intoxicated when the alcohol is destroying their liver and their brains?” Crucially, however, Nutt now knew that stimulating Gaba was the route to tipsy bliss – if only we could do so harmlessly.

Twenty years later, while working on a government report on the future of brain science, addiction and drugs, it dawned on Nutt that scientific understanding had reached a point at which this could, in theory, be achieved. “I wrote a little thought piece in the Journal of Psychopharmacology,” he recalls. “People said it was ‘too challenging, too crazy’. It was 2005, and the concept of disruptive technology didn’t exist. They said: ‘It’s clever but you’ll never do it,’ but I kept talking about it because it was clever and we can do it.”

What Nutt now knows is that there are 15 different Gaba receptor subtypes in multiple brain regions, “and alcohol is very promiscuous. It will bind to them all.” Without giving away his trade secrets, he says he has found which Gaba and other receptors can be stimulated to induce tipsiness without adverse effects. “We know where in the brain alcohol has its ‘good’ effects and ‘bad’ effects, and what particular receptors mediate that – Gaba, glutamate and other ones, such as serotonin and dopamine. The effects of alcohol are complicated but … you can target the parts of the brain you want to target.”

Handily, you can modify the way in which a molecule binds to a receptor to produce different effects. You can design a peak effect into it, so no matter how much Alcarelle you consume, you won’t get hammered. This is well-established science; in fact Nutt says a number of medicines, such as the smoking cessation drug varenicline (marketed as Champix), use a similar shut-off effect. You can create other effects, too, while still avoiding inebriation, so you could choose between a party drink or a business-lunch beverage.

Coming up with the concept was the easy bit, says Nutt. Finding the right molecule was more challenging, “but the real challenge is taking that molecule to a drink. The regulatory side is much harder than the science.” Because Alcarelle has not undergone safety testing yet, only Nutt, Orren and a few others at the lab have tried it, mixed with fruit juice because it doesn’t taste nice by itself. “We’re allowed to try it whenever we want,” says Nutt. “We tested a lot of possible compounds, to try to find which are most likely to work. It would be dishonest to spend millions of pounds on something when you haven’t a clue if it does what you want.”

Nutt, Orren (a business adviser and former tech entrepreneur) and their team have come up with a five-year plan. Alcarelle will probably be regulated as a food additive or an ingredient, so food regulations rather than clinical trials apply. To get approval, they need to create a drink product complete with its own bottle, and they are working with food scientists on that. This process usually takes about three years, but, because of Alcarelle’s unique functional qualities, they expect it to take longer.

“There will obviously be testing to check the molecule is safe,” says Nutt. “And we need to show that it’s different from alcohol. We will demonstrate that it doesn’t produce toxicity like alcohol does.” For example, when our liver metabolises alcohol, it produces the carcinogen acetaldehyde, and consistently drinking too much can increase the risk of mouth, throat and breast cancers as well as strokes, heart disease and liver, brain and nervous-system damage. “And of course we don’t want hangovers. We have to show it doesn’t have the bad effects of alcohol,” says Nutt.

Ultimately, the aim isn’t for Alcarelle to become a drinks company, but to supply companies in the drinks industry with the active ingredient, so that they can make and market their own products. You would expect that the alcohol industry would view Alcarelle as its nemesis, but Orren says that industry players “are approaching us as potential investing collaborators”. This doesn’t surprise Jonny Forsyth, a global drinks analyst at Mintel. “The industry is increasingly investing in alcohol alternatives,” he says. “We have seen a lot of investment in cannabis … They’re looking at nonalcoholic gins and soft drinks because they know people are drinking less [alcohol], and this is a trend that is going to carry on. If the science is right, and if it’s easy to mask the taste, I think it’s got a great chance.”

Gerard Hastings of the Institute for Social Marketing at the University of Stirling has advised the House of Commons health select committee during its investigations into the alcohol, tobacco and pharmaceutical industries. He believes that the alcohol industry would embrace Alcarelle just as Coca-Cola has embraced the zero-calorie sweetener stevia, and the tobacco industry has invested in vaping, “to own the solution as well as the problem … If they can continue to sell products to the health-conscious and the less health-conscious, then they will do so.” Similarly, lab-grown meat (meat cells cultured without the need to rear and kill animals) has seen heavy investment by global meat suppliers.

Forsyth sees the fact that you can never get drunk on Alcarelle as an enticing marketing angle for younger consumers, who, he says, are driving the downward trend in alcohol sales. For them, he says, “it’s much cooler to be healthy, but it’s also about control. They don’t want to end up on Instagram looking drunk; their manager might see that. Something that would automatically control their drinking would be very appealing.”

One potential stumbling block may be that Alcarelle isn’t natural. “Natural things aren’t always healthy,” says Forsyth, “but in the mind of the consumer, ‘natural’ and ‘healthy’ are pretty much the same concept. One of the reasons cannabis is doing so well is because it’s a plant.” However, he sees the joys of alcohol without the hangover as “a pretty powerful reason to partake of it even if it’s not natural”. One way to address the problem would be to flavour the drink with natural botanicals, but Nutt and Orren are keen to go further. “We have a project to see if we can find these molecules in nature,” says Orren.

Alcohol, meanwhile, is natural and has been with us for ever. It is seen as God-given – after all, Jesus turned water into wine – and is so deeply woven into the fabric of our society that, at least for older generations, on some occasions there can be no substitute. Alcarelle isn’t aiming to replicate fine wines or Nutt’s single malt. “We think, once we’re approved and on the market,” says Orren, “we are going to see an amazing and wonderful explosion of creativity. The drinks industry employs really creative people.” He notes the celebrity-chef status of mixologists, “because people are really interested in the formation of tastes and flavours”.

Of course, tipsiness is perhaps the greatest flavour enhancer. “There’s a very important interaction between taste, flavour, smell and the effect,” says Nutt. “People say: ‘I just love the taste of my 1984 Chateau Latour,’ and I say to them: ‘The truth is you wouldn’t if you had never got drunk on it. If you gave that to your child, they would spit it out. You acquire the love of the taste. What gives you the love of the taste is the effect of the alcohol and, of course, the knowledge that it’s really expensive.’” But whatever flavour/effect ratio drives our alcohol appreciation, we have chosen, he says, “to ignore the harms of alcohol because we enjoy it. What I’m trying to do is provide something to enjoy that is much less harmful. That’s the ambition.”

Indlæg: 29 mar 2019 13:02 

Tilmeldt: 28 okt 2018 23:57
Indlæg: 108
øj man hvis jeg kunne få noget der virker som alkohol men uden de skadevirkinger som alkohol har så var jeg eddermame glad.

jeg er nok dybt uheldbredelig kvartals dranker så det der er lige noget jeg kunne bruge.

jeg har tænkt på at få risolid og så drikke alkohol fri øl for at opnå lidt en rus ligesom alkohol og så ryge en enkelt fed ved siden af bare for hyggens skyld men det er så kun blevet ved tanken.

et alternativ til alkohol som er udskadeligt i forhold til alkohol ville godt nok være dejligt.

Indlæg: 29 mar 2019 13:21 
Dedikeret medlem

Tilmeldt: 05 okt 2016 10:24
Indlæg: 641
Det er bare et spørgsmål om tid før de får syntiseret et kopipræparat i Kina så vi behøver nok ikke vente 5 år, selvom jeg ønsker dem alt succes. Indtil da er der er massere af andre GABA relaterede substanser som mimikker Alkohol, bare uden at være så sikre som der loves her. Vil vove at påstå at det mere er en kulturel ting at du drikker og fordi det er nemmere tilgængeligt. Kunne du købe Lyrica/GHB/Baklofen/BDZ I kiosken kunne det jo være at det var dem du valgte plus minus det tillærte/kulturelle

Indlæg: 30 mar 2019 00:07 

Tilmeldt: 28 okt 2018 23:57
Indlæg: 108
Nafets skrev:
Det er bare et spørgsmål om tid før de får syntiseret et kopipræparat i Kina så vi behøver nok ikke vente 5 år, selvom jeg ønsker dem alt succes. Indtil da er der er massere af andre GABA relaterede substanser som mimikker Alkohol, bare uden at være så sikre som der loves her. Vil vove at påstå at det mere er en kulturel ting at du drikker og fordi det er nemmere tilgængeligt. Kunne du købe Lyrica/GHB/Baklofen/BDZ I kiosken kunne det jo være at det var dem du valgte plus minus det tillærte/kulturelle

altså det kulturelle aspekt har du nok meget ret i. jeg ville dog aldrig æde piller isteder for at drikke alkohol jeg har haft lyrica på recept og adgang til risolid på recept og jeg tager aldrig syntestiske stoffer så nej det er en fed og et glas hvidvin eller en flok øller måske en single malt her og der og så vist ikke ret meget andet.

det er svært at være social i danmark uden alkohol.

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