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Indlæg: 14 okt 2022 23:28 

Tilmeldt: 25 maj 2005 23:45
Indlæg: 2485
Geografisk sted: Inside the animal
Psychedelia er pro-forskning i substanser og virkningen på brugerne.
Vi har tidligere faciliteret synlighed for en fyrs forskningsprojekt, der skulle undersøge brugen af klassiske psykedelika hos den voksne, danske befolkning. Det er der nu kommet en videnskabelig artikel ud af - og de har været så flinke at skrive os i Acknowledgements sektionen. Den slags positiv omtale hører vist til sjældenhederne for Psy. Hvis forskerne stadig læser med her, må I meget gerne sende mig en kopi af artiklen
Background: Clinical studies report preliminary therapeutic effects of classic psychedelic drugs in several psychiatric conditions and international drug trends show increased use of these compounds. However, the epidemiology of classic psychedelic drug use in Scandinavian countries remains sparsely investigated. To this end, we investigated the patterns of use and the subjectively perceived acute and persisting effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), psilocybin, N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT), and mescaline, among Danish adults.

Methods: An anonymous online survey with 152 items was conducted using the secure survey web application REDCap. Results were presented descriptively and as comparisons between psychedelic drugs.

Results: Five-hundred participants (30.0% female, mean age 34.5 years) were included. Classic psychedelics were mostly used with therapeutic (28.0%) or spiritual (27.2%) intentions. Sixty-seven per cent used classic psychedelics once a year or less. Most participants (56.4%) preferred using psilocybin. Classic psychedelic use was for some individuals, associated with hazardous use of alcohol (39.4%). Among participants with a psychiatric treatment history, 80.9% reported subjective improvements in symptoms following classic psychedelic use. Participants' most memorable experiences were moderate-to-strong mystical-type experiences (MEQ30 mean ± SD 3.4 ± 1.0; range 1-5) and had positive persisting effects on well-being (mean ± SD 2.1 ± 1.0), social relationships (mean ± SD 1.7 ± 1.2), meaning of life (mean ± SD 1.9 ± 1.1), and mood (mean ± SD 1.8 ± 1.1); range -3 to 3. DMT users experienced significantly greater subjective positive effects.

Conclusions: Classic psychedelics were mostly used therapeutically or spiritually and had self-reported positive persisting effects, but were also associated with hazardous use of alcohol, among Danish adults. DMT was associated with significantly greater positive effects compared to LSD and psilocybin.

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Indlæg: 15 okt 2022 07:38 
Insane psychedelia user!

Tilmeldt: 18 mar 2014 21:14
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