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Indlæg: 11 feb 2020 13:15 
Junior medlem

Tilmeldt: 26 jan 2020 18:53
Indlæg: 3
Hi all,

New member here, I am an English speaker so I have been using google translate to read the forum. Some insightful knowledge here. : )

I'd like to share something with the board here that I think all you will find very interesting.

I've come across a fascinating book that talks about high level spiritual things from a scientific perspective. This book is intriguing as it talks about many similar things to what people in mystical states mention such as seeing into parallel dimensions and interacting with beings from other worlds etc.

This book is called Zhuan Falun and it is from the Buddha Law School of Cultivation however it is not Buddhism the religion or Daoism the religion, it's something more profound. It seems to me to be more of a spiritual science as many of the terms and concepts in the book are talked about in a scientific down to earth manner instead of flowery mystical prose which I found very refreshing.

Now here is where it gets interesting, this book talks about the following things:

● Other Dimensions - Levels Of Dimensions spanning into the microcosm and also outwards into the macrocosm

● The Soul - It talks about people having a Master soul and a subordinate soul which is hidden from you but is at a more advanced level then you, it states some people have more then one Subordinate soul and some are of not of the same sex as you i.e males having a female subordinate soul etc.

● Microcosmic worlds - This concept was very far out but it talks about there being worlds within you, countless worlds. Similar to our world with life , water, animals etc. An analogy is zooming an an atom within one of your cells and realizing at that level of magnification it is just like our solar system. Then zooming into a single particle in that world and finding out it too is a vast world, apparently the level it can go onwards like this is beyond imagination.

● Supernatural Abilities - In the book they mention that everyone has them, it is just that they have atrophied. It goes into depth about this topic. Some abilities that are mentioned are precognition, retrocognition and remote vision.

● The 3rd Eye - Talks about how at the front part of our pineal gland there is a complete structure of an eye there. Modern science calls it a vestigial eye but in the cultivation world they say this eye just naturally exists like that and it can be activated allowing one to pierce through this dimension and see other dimensions. It talks about how there are many levels to this 3rd eye and it goes into great depth about it.

● Thoughts - This part was amazing. It talks about how a human brain is just a processing plant. How the real you is actually your soul, it's like your whole body and brain is just a vehicle and that the true commands are issued by your master soul, but this master soul is very tiny and it can switch positions while inside you and it can also expand and shrink. It can move from your brain to your heart and to other parts of your body and it is 'he' who calls the shots. Your brain is just the factory which your master soul sends his cosmic commands to which then create the forms of expression and communication we use such as speech, gestures, etc.

These are just a few things that are covered but there are many many other things which blew my mind when I read it because of how it resonated with some of the mystical experiences people sometimes have, especially the multidimensional nature of reality and how all of them are hidden in our day to day perceptions of the world.

If this sounds interesting to anyone you can grab a copy of the book here:

Danish Version ... _FINAL.pdf

English Version:

Indlæg: 12 feb 2020 01:09 

Tilmeldt: 10 dec 2019 14:55
Indlæg: 67
Thanks for your post, i Will definitely check it out :)


Indlæg: 12 feb 2020 06:53 
Junior medlem

Tilmeldt: 26 jan 2020 18:53
Indlæg: 3
SanatKumara skrev:
Thanks for your post, i Will definitely check it out :)

You're welcome. I hope you find it of interest. :)

Indlæg: 12 feb 2020 08:09 
Insane psychedelia user!

Tilmeldt: 26 jun 2009 11:55
Indlæg: 2306
Geografisk sted: Casa Tranquila
I just scimmed the danish version. I dont think its bad litterature, and i actually think they sound more clever than a lot of religious texts i have read beforehand, but to call it scientific is not right. There is not a single reference to other academic text books, therefore its very hard to validate anything they claim in that text. The author is constantly coming with claims of how the world is, without telling why that's true. I dont want people to not read fairytales and be inspired, but we need to talk about spiritual practices for what they are, and in my opinion this text is not a scientific approach at all. Maybe you can call it a well-written phenomenological anectdote, but science would drag knowledge from other theories about dimensions and meditation practices, this is just one clever man/his followers thoughts.

«Jeg tror, det er vigtigt med oplevelser, der taler til vores sanser, noget, der befrugter vores fantasi, som nærer tanken, og som kan gøre vores verden større.
Det er slet ikke så unyttigt endda.»
HKH Margrethe ll af Danmark

Indlæg: 12 feb 2020 19:29 
Junior medlem

Tilmeldt: 26 jan 2020 18:53
Indlæg: 3
Hector Salamanca skrev:
I just scimmed the danish version. I dont think its bad litterature, and i actually think they sound more clever than a lot of religious texts i have read beforehand, but to call it scientific is not right. There is not a single reference to other academic text books, therefore its very hard to validate anything they claim in that text. The author is constantly coming with claims of how the world is, without telling why that's true. I dont want people to not read fairytales and be inspired, but we need to talk about spiritual practices for what they are, and in my opinion this text is not a scientific approach at all. Maybe you can call it a well-written phenomenological anectdote, but science would drag knowledge from other theories about dimensions and meditation practices, this is just one clever man/his followers thoughts.

There are a sections in Zhuan Falun that do talk about things in a scientific manner. Here are two excerpts from the book which expound on this:


When we mention certain things some people blurt right out, "blind belief." Why do they do that? Their criteria for something being "blind belief" or "quackery" is that it’s whatever science hasn’t grasped, or whatever they haven’t experienced first-hand, or whatever they think can’t possibly exist. That’s their way of thinking. So is that way of thinking correct? Can you just dismiss something as blind belief or quackery just because science hasn’t grasped it yet, or just because science isn’t far enough along to explain it yet? Aren’t these people themselves full of blind belief? And aren’t they caught up in quackery? If everybody thought that way, could science develop?

Could it move forward? Society wouldn’t be able to make progress. The things that our scientific and technological community has invented are all things that people didn’t have at one time. If those things were all thought of as blind belief, then there’d be no point in talking about progress, right? Qigong isn’t quackery. But there are always a lot of people who think it is, since they don’t understand it.

But with the use of scientific instruments people have now detected on the bodies of qigong masters things like infrasonic waves, ultrasonic waves, electromagnetic waves, infrared, ultraviolet, gamma rays, neutrons, atoms, and trace metal elements. Aren’t those all concrete things? They’re matter. Aren’t all things made of matter? Aren’t other space-times made of matter? Could you call them blind belief? Qigong is for cultivating Buddhahood, so of course there are going to be a lot of profound things involved. And we’re going to explain all of them.


"Under the effect of a special electromagnetic field qigong masters can have strong luminescence, and it’s really beautiful. The higher a person’s potency, the larger the energy field he projects. Ordinary people have one too, but it’s a really weak kind of luminescence. People who do research in high-energy physics think of energy as being things like neutrons and atoms. A lot of qigong masters have been tested. And all the qigong masters who are pretty well-known have been tested, in fact.

I’ve been tested, too, and they found that I emit gamma rays and thermal neutrons 80–170 times greater than the radiation of normal matter. At that point the needle of the testing instrument had hit the limit, and since the needle had hit the maximum point they couldn’t tell exactly how strong it was. Imagine, neutrons that strong—it’s just incredible! How could a person emit neutrons that strong? This proves that we qigong masters do have gong, it proves we do have energy. It’s been verified by the scientific and technological community."


In terms of scientific experiments, there have been a few that have been conducted. Here are two experiments that have been performed on Falun Dafa practitioners:

Indlæg: 13 feb 2020 04:22 
Dedikeret medlem

Tilmeldt: 14 apr 2011 00:03
Indlæg: 1360
Firstly, I am quite sympathetic to Falun Gong as a philosophy, if not for the modest teachings of sound morals then simply for the horrible persecution its practitioners suffer in China. However, I do not understand the need to try to be "more" than a philosophy.

I do not think that Falun Gong is necessarily quackery, because quackery generally implies the selling of something on a false premise, and, as far as I understand, Falun Gong only tries to 'sell' an idea with no monetary strings attached, nor promises of miracle cures. Though, despite this it simply rubs me wrong when something attempts to be dressed in the guise of science as a means to lend credence to doubtful claims.

As for the quotes cited in the text, I hope it is clear for obvious reasons that emitting neutrons and gamma rays are not a state of being to aspire for. Rather, physically speaking such a state implies the disintegration of atoms; radioactive decay. Additionally, that of detecting electromagnetic waves from a person who is made of atoms and has traces of metals sounds exceedingly like a normal human. Or a hamster for that matter. Essentially, it reads like a Deepak Chopra book and none of it has to do with science in the slightest way - but this is not so bad, vecsuse it does not even attempt to look like science. Instead it is merely the claims that there is indeed some scientific grounds to justify the claims of the text.

Now, for the two links that are provided they do try to dress up as science. Very hard actually. As chance would have it, both of them hit on topics that I am quite familiar with so I will try to explain, or perhaps mainly justify my claim of why those links and their likes have nothing to do with science.

Article 1 deals with the effect of some Falun Gong force on cardiac cells in a nutrient solution. Overall the article does a decent job of seeming credible, but really it is essentially an exercise in confirmation bias. No tangible goals or hypotheses are presented; the aim is only to show an effect that can serve to prove the claim. There is no real control (i.e. the subject simply leaves the room / a 'non Falun Gong' practitioner is unable to reproduce the findings). Of course, for any meaningful data to emerge one would need to get rid of the temporal aspects, namely that it seems to be the same experimental setup that is used prolonged, rather than identical setups used seperately from equal starting points. From starting off elating according to which protocol the muscle is excised by and the solution it is kept in, the article relatively quickly regresses to statements such as "the practitioner did not even touch it with his hands" and "the person recording the experiment is not even a Falun Gong believer". Thus, appeals to pander a point, not scientific argument because when you go to dig for it, it really is not there.
The astonishing result is simply accepted by the author, despite the fact that many further and obvious lines of inquiry are readily available and that the overall setup at best amounts to a case study.

For the second article it starts off well. There is an unbased claim: Practitioners of Falun Gong are more healthy and longevic, which is entirely possible. Then there's a theory - it is because of better PMNs. Sprinkle with some terminology such as LPS and essentially the claim boils down to "better innate immunity". So, the claim might be supported by the theory and it can all be explained somewhat rudimentary as, for instance, the benefits of exercise or meditation. So far so good.
Unfortunately, at this point the article turns to discuss differential gene expression between PMNs of FG practitioners vs. non-practitioners. This makes no sense - it is well know that PMNs, like almost any cell, will elicit changes in genomic expression based on external stimuli and without further defining the subset of external stimuli it is a meaningless statement. Certainly, if there are similar changes among all FG practitioners it does not seem a good thing; innate immunity works exactly be adapting and aiming broadly. Of course, the data for these claims are not shared in the article and the rest of it reads like a biology essay, not something that should supposedly be research.

I do not mean to sound harsh but rather just objective. It is what it is, but science it is not. And thus rightly the discussion is taking place in the "philosophy" subforum. :)

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