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Indlæg: 28 okt 2013 10:53 
Junior medlem

Tilmeldt: 28 okt 2013 10:46
Indlæg: 16
Substans/er: Spids Nøgenhat
Setting: Hjemme eller hos ven
MODs installed: Ja
Erfaring: Begynder
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Dosering og anden informaton om substanserne:
2g tørret SN, fint hakket og puttet i et glas frisk presset appelsinjuice fra Føtex. Stod og trak i 10-15 minutter og drak så det hele på et par minutter.

Mere information om settings,mental tilstand og evt. sygdomme mm:
I godt humør... spændt... en smule nervøs. Brugte dagene op til på at rydde op i sindet, blive afklaret med ting osv for at mindske sandsynligheden for bad trip.

Ok følgende er altså på engelsk (fordi jeg smed den på Shroomery først), og jeg orker næsten ikke at oversætte den, så bær over med mig :)


Just woke up after a afternoon / night of tripping high on shrooms, and it has been THE most amazing night of life. I dare say life changing, even though I know that it is now up to myself to use what have seen and what I've been told.

Intensity: Small lvl 4
Shroom Type: Liberty Cap (grows natively in my local nature)
Dosage: 2g dried
Consumption: Chopped to pieces with a knife, then soaked in a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice for 10-15 minutes. Drank and chewed it.

Initial mindset: a bit nervous but I managed to already just let it go with the flow before it hit me. Also my completely unexperienced sitter did an amazing job of keeping me at ease without bringing me down.

Place: Sitters apartment.

So this stuff hit me after only 27 minuters. I was a bit surprising but didn't scare me. I have spent a month reading up on the chemistry, trip reports and "set & setting" so I felt completely ready.

The initial feeling was like being drunk. I began to walk unevenly hehe, then shortly after came the buzzing feeling around the back of my head and back.
We decided to retreat from the computer to my friends couch after removing the three most intense music numbers from playlist and settle for a mix of 60s / 70s rock like Jimi Hendrix, Beatles, Jefferson Airplane and classical like "Spiegel im Spiegel" and "Adagio (which later proved to be a HUGE catalyst for the deepest trip into my brain.

At first I had the giggles... small things became funny as hell, and my sitter was flowing along on the giggles (sober btw!!). There was a couple of flies flying around in circles that started to have 2 copies of themselves trailing behind hehe.
Then came slight visuals of aztec patterns in green on the ceiling.

The visions started catching my attention completely xD I would be saying "Wauw... it's like th...." and then just stop to watch the show again.
Eventually the patterns became 3d and hung in midair instead. I was getting the flowing of surfaces and so on... my sitters wodden table looked like it was shifting water under a matte transparent plate of some sort Also saw a witch's face in it but was more amusing than scary.

My friend then asked what I would see in his "guitar" wall (he's a musician and has 3 bass line up with nice photos and art above them.

I flew down on the mattress and said "yeah that would be cool to look!" which sent my sitter into big giggles again.

I sat down and could only utter a couple of times "this is amazing.... amazing.... this is aaaaamaaaaaaaazing" before I had the urge to lie down.

Then came the build up to the heavy stuff.

At first I just had closed eyes without blindfold. I was seeing pretty colors and so on, and then the first being showed herself. I straight away interpreted her as the psilocyin goddess. Very colorful, flowing smoothly through the univers I was in. Not uttering a word but reacting to my questions with nods and smiles. She was incredibly pleasant to be with and patient.
I saw some parts of the univers which had purple planets and purple flows of energy... really hard to describe.
Then I saw some butterfly angel people also in amazing colors. They didn't really approach me, just registered that I was there and smile.

After a while of trying to notice everything in that place, it started shifting more blue. Some jelly fish people came up from nowhere. They had the shape of human beings, but no faces and were transparent. They didn't have mouths but communicated by telepathy.

I can't remember what we talked about but again it was very pleasant.

After a while there, things started changing again. I think it was those jelly people that kinda let a heavy silk veil drop down over my body. At first I noticed I was holding back a bit, they also noticed and paused patiently. I kept telling myself "just relax... just flow along".
Eventually the veil engulfed me completely and from there on, I was hitting the peak most definitely.

It was like I at first was a witness to my own life... the jelly people were gone, but some greenish entities that I can only describe resembling the Easter Island statues in green were there now. I decided to call them the guides.
At first I was detached from the "show"... but slowly I begun to realise that it was my own life I was seeing... the little sad boy in the transparent granite vase was me......

I started sobbing.... and while I don't want to tell you all the details of this childhood trip, I can say so much as it really showed me how I was and why I had become who I was.

I was starting to get the stomach aches, but the guides showed me what that was.... I huge root tied like a knot inside me, they showed me what had happened, what had created it, while now and again saying "you asked for this yourself.... we are only showing you what you asked for".

I had to go through a lot of what I kept saying "This is so hard facing...." but in the end I managed to untie the knot. And it gave me a lot of answers to my problems in family life and what I need to do to change myself.

It was very interesting... the guides never gave me a straight answer. They would show me something and then I would have to figure out what it meant by myself. When I found the right answer they would simply nod and smile gently.

Apparently there's something to it about orange juice.... I slowly began to come down again. I was trying to hold on a little more and the last thing I remember the guides showing me was that I need not fear death.
Death to me now can only be described as the following:

I'm lying on an endless sea of liquid quicksilver without any waves. The sky is pitch black, but in the horizon a light is creeping over the horizon line and I'm flowing gently to it.
I asked the guides if I could see more of it, to which they gently laughed and said no... I'd have to wait till I'm actually there. But they would say so much that after that... I'd simply dissolve into energy again and rejoin the universe.

The feeling that was there was complete silence... no fear, no love, no anything. Just acceptance. I was a very reassuring feeling.

I started to come to myself again. I felt SO much lighter. No more stomach ache. No back ache... I am happy, and was trying to explain to my sitter what I had learned and seen.

Funny thing was... the guides knew he was there. He would say a guiding word once in a while and the guides inside would say "yes... he's right". Kinda freaked the sitter out a little haha.

All in all... this has been THE MOST learning experience I have ever had!

I honestly don't know if I'll ever do it again. Not because I don't want to, but because I don't feel like I need to.
I remember getting reminders from the entities once in a while when I would use the word "insane" casually to describe the experience that "hey now... remember you are a guest here" to which I would say "oh yes... Im sorry" then tell my sitter "I feel like I should pay more respect to them" which made them happy again but also said that I shouldn't spend so much time appologising... just flow along with life.

I understand now that life energy is a constant, it's natural form is "happy" or "love". It's only once we start using energy or manipulating energy that negativity begins to occur, because we are forcing vibrations on the gently flowing energy pool that is ourselves.
If we just let go in life, happiness occurs naturally......

This has also sparked my renewed interest in buddhism. I think I want to go more into those teachings again because I think there's some of the ideas that could be really helpful to remind oneself that every day is just to be enjoyed as it is.

Oh btw... doesn't really matter if you are a doctor, teacher, cop or photographer. We are all flowing around the same pool of energy. So don't manipulate energy to try to make yourself something you are not or try to be "more"... everything is good. We are all the same, and our natural state is peace and love if we can just let go.

Don't know what more to say.... thanks for giving me access to the infomations I needed to go through with this.
I couldn't have had a better first time on shrooms and with the article from june about LSD and shrooms not damaging your brain (and in fact maybe can cure disorders) and my experience, I feel like I have 100% confidence that shrooms are a good thing when NOT used as a party drug but as a self evolvement treatment under controlled circumstances.

Take the time... do the reading, make the setting and get set. Then I'm pretty sure you first timers will be ok. Just let go.

And remember... we have nothing but time in life

Indlæg: 31 okt 2013 01:23 
Dedikeret medlem

Tilmeldt: 26 jun 2012 15:32
Indlæg: 658
Jeg tror vi er mange, som kan lære af både rapporten og videoen. Jeg har det fuldstændigt som om, jeg er med dig på turen, når jeg læser det. Rapporten er velskrevet og det er helt bestemt forståeligt, at du ikke deler de dybere personlige oplevelser.
Det er samtidig nogle spændende filosofiske tanker, du gør dig.

Havde du bestemt dig før trippet, at du ville prøve at få besvaret nogle spørgsmål? Eller kom barndomsoplevelsen helt af sig sig selv? Hvordan kommunikerede du med the alien entities - snakkede du med dem eller foregik det via tanker?

Indlæg: 31 okt 2013 11:31 
Junior medlem

Tilmeldt: 28 okt 2013 10:46
Indlæg: 16
Det er sjovt du spørger...

Jeg lister dem lige tørt op:

Psilocybin gudinden - Hun sagde aldrig et ord... tog mig bare nærmest med som en kærlig tålmodig mor og viste mig ting... planeter, farvede bølger af energi osv. Når jeg havde et spørgsmål spurgte jeg delvist i hovedet men af og til også mundligt. Jeg kunne nærmest aflæse hendes svar uden at hun behøvede at sige noget. Meget fedt...

Goppel folket - Sjovt nok, så var "Knowing" i fjernsynet her forleden. Den er jævn god... men det sjove består i at det goppel folk jeg så derinde mindede meget om dem der var i filmen. Gennemsigtige med menneske form. De kommunikerede aktivt med telepati. Jeg kunne både høre og svare dem i hovedet. Var bevidst nok til at dele noget af det med min sitter.

Guids'ne - De var tavse lige som gudinden, grønlige at se på, altid 2-3 stykker til stede på samme tid. Deres ansigter mindede utroligt meget om påskeø statuerne og deres kropfacon var som om de bare sådan en grønlig tog så man kunne fornemme de havde arme og ben men jeg kunne ikke se dem.
Jeg kunne stille dem spørgsmål, men deres kommunikationsform var altid ikke at give mig svar, men at hjælpe mig med at finde et svar selv. De svarede ALDRIG konkret på et spørgsmål... istedet fik de mig til at spørge mig selv.. "hvad kan det være... kan de være xxxx?" og så kunne de nikke når jeg kom frem til det.
Deres holdning / attitude var ekstremt neutral. De var således ikke bevæget af følelser uanset min tilstand. Det var meget betryggende på den måde at de ikke så ned på noget ej heller over roste noget.

Det var dem der tilisidst viste mig meget overfladisk hvordan livet er bygget op på energi niveau ( i meget store træk ), og som til sidst lod mig drive en smule hen mod lyset på den stille kviksølv sø... AH! Jo... der var ét tidspunkt hvor de utrygte en form for følelse og det var da jeg spurgte om jeg måtte komme hen til lyset og se hvad der er... hvor der reagerede ved at le blidt og ryste på hovedet.
Men jeg er begyndt at forestille mig at guides'ne repræsenterede det der stadig var tilbage af mig ego, hvilket giver mening til at de ikke ville lade mig komme videre.... det ville jo dræbe deres eksistens :D

Det er en tricky verden og utrolig facinerende, men man må huske sig selv på ikke at blive fanget i al den hokus pokus der kan være forbundet med sådan et trip.

Det mest værdifulde er måden du bruger det du har set på bagefter... Jeg så fx hvordan jeg var ved at blive min far ifht. at knalde mit liv af på arbejde og overse min dreng. Det arbejder jeg rigtig kraftigt på nu, både ved at drosle ned nu og her, men også få investeringsgælden væk, lukke firmaet og komme familien ved istedet.

Lille advarsel... sådan et trip er forbundet med store mængder af fremmedgørelse overfor den måde den vestlige verden lever på. Jeg har ret svært ved at acceptere vores materialisme og afhængighed af medier og teknik. Der er så meget mere end det, og det er faktisk lige før jeg vil sige at den naturlige tilstand jeg oplevede vi består af fra barnsben er meget mere balanceret og interessant end noget andet i det her liv.
Så må jeg bare tage så meget med mig herud som jeg kan :)

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